Ramadan is the most Holiest of Months in the Islamic lunar calendar. It is during this month that the Satan is chained and Allah Almighty showers His blessings and mercy upon all those who seek it by worshiping and praising Him in the days of Ramadan.
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Ramadan is the most Holiest of Months in the Islamic lunar calendar. It is during this month that the Satan is chained and Allah Almighty showers His blessings and mercy upon all those who seek it by worshiping and praising Him in the days of Ramadan.
Although every moment of Ramadan is special and precious, however, the last ten days hold a special place in the heart of Muslims and they are respected and celebrated in the most respectful and honorable manner. The lines below discuss how a Muslim can make the most out of the last ten days of Ramadan.
Before moving on to the ways in which a Muslim can make the most out of these concluding days, one tradition of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) related to last ten days was narrated by Hazrat Aisha (RA) in which she said:
“With the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet (PBUH) used to tighten his waist belt (i.e. work harder) and used to pray the whole night, & used to keep his family awake for the prayers.” (Bukhari)
Therefore, the last ten days of Ramadan leave no room for being a sloth, rather, these are the days in which a person should fasten up and start praying and worshiping with greater intensity and dedication. Some of the ways in which these days could be utilized the best are discussed below.
Observe Itikaf:
The greatest Sunnah of last ten days of Ramadan is the observance of Itikaf. It is in the last ten days of Ramadan that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would go into seclusion and spend the last ten days and nights in prayer and worship of Allah Almighty with minimal human interaction or intrusion. In Itikaf all the time that a Muslim spends is in worship of Allah Almighty to ensure that He grants forgiveness and blessings to the seeker. In the last ten days a Muslim must observe Itikaf, setting all the worldly intrusions and routine aside for ten days and spend these precious moments of Ramadan in praise and worship of Allah. No one knows whether they will be alive for the next Ramadan or not, therefore, the last ten days should be spent in the best manner to bid farewell to this Holy Month.
Recite Quran:
Another thing that a Muslim can do in the last ten days of Ramadan is to recite Quran abundantly. The recitation of Quran brings numerous rewards and blessings for every single word. However, in the last ten days a Muslim must try to learn Quran with translation. The recitation of Quran brings reward, however, the reading of Quran with translation helps understand the message and essence, which the verses of Quran wish to convey. Ergo, in the last ten days a Muslim must sit and read Quran with translation so that meanings become evident and a person finds the message of truth and guidance in Ramadan.
Voluntary Prayers:
Voluntary prayers or nawafils are also another great option to consider when it comes to observing the last ten days of Ramadan and making the most out of them. Although the first twenty days of Ramadan are also Holy and sacred, however, a believing and practicing Muslim always wants to end Ramadan on a blissful note. For this very reason, a Muslim must try offering as many and as much voluntary prayers as possible as each one of them brings additional reward and blessings. Therefore, a Muslim must note down the special voluntary prayers he or she can offer and then undertake them during the last ten days to make the most out of them.
Don’t Miss on Taraweeh:
Most of the times it happens that Muslims get so indulged in obligatory and voluntary prayers and Quran recitation that they forget the importance of Taraweeh in Ramadan. Whether it is the first or the last day of Ramadan, Taraweeh is as imperative in all the days. Therefore, in the last ten days also, a Muslim must make sure that all the Taraweeh are being offered on regular bases and with congregation.
Find Laylatul Qadr:
The Night of Qadr is a hidden jewel in the last ten days of Ramadan. This night is to be found in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan and the virtues and rewards of this night are better than a thousand nights. Therefore, pertaining to last ten days of Ramadan a Muslim needs to make sure that he or she spends the odd nights in excessive prayer and worship so that if one of them is the Laylatul Qadr, then he or she is able to grasp it with all its rewards and endless virtues. Ergo, the finding of Laylatul Qadr should be one of the prime objectives of the last Ashra of Ramadan.
Remember Allah:
Ramadan is for the purpose of remembering Allah and purifying the soul so that one could come closer to Him. In this regard, in addition to the regular prayers, the additional voluntary prayer and Taraweeh, a Muslim must also try to remember Allah while standing or sitting in the form of Dhikr. Regarding Dhikr, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
““Which of the servants of Allah is best in rank before Allah on the Day of resurrection?” He said: ”The ones who remember him much.”I said: ”O Messenger of Allah, what about the fighter in the way of Allah?” He answered: ”Even if he strikes the unbelievers & mushrikin with his sword until it broke, & becomes red with their blood, truly those who do Dhikr are better than him in rank.” (Ahmad, Tirmidhi, & Bayhaqi)
From the hadith the importance and significance of Dhikr is clear, therefore, a Muslim must make sure that during the last ten days of Ramadan, he or she does Dhikr excessively sitting, lying down, walking or while doing any other chore.
The last ten days of Ramadan are precious and none is sure that he or she will receive these moments in future, therefore, it is imperative that a Muslim considers their importance and spend these days in prayers, remembrance of Allah and pushing one’s self the extra mile in praise and worship of Allah Almighty.